Tuesday 14 April 2020

AFTAC- Please help fight flytipping with the CLEARWASTE app.

"My name is Martin Montague and I am the founder of ClearWaste, this new and completely free app, I hate fly-tipping and the damage it does to our environment, not to mention the cost of cleaning it up, so I have privately funded the development of ClearWaste to help reduce waste crime.
I believe it will help people to be aware of their social and legal obligations as well as save local authorities and councils tens of millions of pounds a year.
We have created the first fully national system for reporting fly-tipping and made it easier than ever before for consumers to find and use legitimate and licensed waste removal companies avoiding rogue traders.
Our app and website use the very latest in technology to electronically track waste. The system already meets many of the objectives identified by the Government in their most recent Our Waste, Our Resources: A Strategy for England document.
We hate the damage that single use plastics have on the environment, and the consequences it has on our wildlife. Our mission is to help educate people on recycling, as well as encourage people in communities to become Waste Warriors, to bring them together to help improve their local environments.
We will be lobbying Government about increasing fines and custodial sentences for those that continually flout the rules. We want to be able to give all the possible help and support to anyone that wants to get involved. Of course we don't expect everyone to be "hands on" but rather help as they feel they can. Even sharing a post or picture on social media can make a difference when it comes to raising awareness.
We really DO need your help; please help us to raise awareness by sharing the posts you see on here and try to spread the word. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions: if you have one we would love to hear from you.
“Everybody has their own story to tell but the future of our planet is important, as we will all be spending the rest of our lives on it. The decisions we make today will be the legacy of our children tomorrow.”
Thanks for your support

Monday 10 April 2017

Aftac are going to change the world

AFTAC ANTI FLY TIPPING ALLIANCE CIC are going to change the world.

We've teamed up with several key players to gameify litter picking. Providing additional incentives and rewards as well as making the process fun, collaborative and, most importantly, empowering.

We can't go into too much detail at the mo but imagine pokemon go, meets Geocaching crossed with a social media gaming platform and litter picking. A hybrid selfie stick/litter grabber will also be involved...

For updates please follow us on Facebook @antiflytippingalliancecic

See you soon

Sunday 29 January 2017

Free collection of old washing machines etc

A creative project to raise awareness about fly tipping and reduce littering will take them, please pm with postcode, house no. item type and location (please leave somewhere easily accessible and we'll pick it up next collection day

Friday 9 December 2016

Anti Fly tipping alliance CIC (AFTAC) - Fly tipping is rubbish

Fly tipping is rubbish .

I'm sure we all agree on that. It is a despicable affront to nature, an insult to/symptom of current society and it encourages further degradation by normalising such anti-ethical behaviors.

The scourge has recently been exacerbated by the introduction of charges for controlled materials. Tyres, building rubble. gas canisters.

Since the changes minor fly tipping has spiked, in a short walk to the local shops and back there are three tyres and counting on the verges and they've been their for weeks. Plus all sorts of other rubbish all along the verges. Medium scale tipping has been festering for decades in many well known spots, and it will only continue.

Anti Fly tipping alliance CIC (AFTAC) aims to facilitate the turning of this tide of filth threatening our allegedly treasured land and oceans by fostering and co-ordinating a wide ranging response from all stakeholders.. Please join us on facebook and get involved.